- Nature and Wildlife
Mamunta Mayosso Wildlife Sanctuary
This site is important for its variety of vegetation types and is one of the few areas in Sierra Leone holding the threatened Dwarf Crocodile. The site is important for the economy and culture of the local people and is the first site to be managed as Wildlife Sanctuary in Sierra Leone. It holds 252 […]
- Nature and Wildlife
This reserve is probably the westernmost remnant of West African rain forest. Its fauna and flora are rich and are more affected by seasonal changes than those of the lowland forests in the east. Its situation close to Freetown presents particular threats, but also great opportunities for education and ecotourism. Location of Western Area Peninsula […]
- Nature and Wildlife
Outamba-Kilimi is the only extensive area of savanna woodland and grass savanna, which has any protection in Sierra Leone. Its primate population, especially the chimpanzee population, is exceptional, and it has considerable potential for education and ecotourism development. Location of Outamba-Kilimi National Park Outamba-Kilimi National Park (OKNP) is found in the extreme north, about 296 […]
- Nature and Wildlife
This site is situated in a remote area in the mountainous northeast of the country. It is a symbol of traditional belief and place of cultural ceremonies of the local people. Location Lake Sonfon is found in the Diang Chiefdom, Koinadugu District, Northern Province, about 350 km north-east of Freetown. Lake Sonfon is a mountainous […]
- Nature and Wildlife
The Gola Forest is the largest area of lowland rain forest remaining in Sierra Leone, and is one of the most important sites for the conservation of threatened wildlife in the ountry. The three forest reserves, which comprise Gola Forest (Gola North, 45,800 ha; Gola East 22,800 ha; Gola West 6,200 ha), are located in […]
- Nature and Wildlife
Loma Mountains & Mount Bintimani-Bintumani
Loma Mountains comprise the northernmost outlying forest in Sierra Leone, and the largest area of montane forest in the country. Bintimani peak is the highest in West Africa. The Loma Mountain range has a rich bird fauna, quite different from that of the lowland forests such as Gola. Loma mountains forest reserve is found in […]
- Blog
Meet the 31-year old who set up the Freetown-based tourism company Visit Sierra Leone (VSL: www.visitsierraleone.org) just over a year ago Why did you decide to start VSL? There was no travel information on Sierra Leone and I wanted to provide something positive so people could see another side of the country. How big is […]
- Press
Paradise regained in Sierra Leone
Few people know about Sierra Leone’s sweeping many-coloured beaches, its swim-perfect seas and glorious rainforest-mountain backdrops. They don’t know you can dine on fresh-grilled lobster and refresh yourself with a cool beer beside the ocean. They don’t know about the country’s threatened primates and rare exotic birdlife, or that it is home to the region’s […]
- Uncategorised
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- Uncategorised
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