- Press
Beaches may wash away Sierra Leone’s war image
BOBOH, Sierra Leone, Oct 10 (Reuters) – Boboh village used to do a roaring trade in the “Pa Gbana” cocktail, a mix of fermented local grasses, coconut and lime favoured by tourists to wash down freshly-cooked lobster. Nowadays there is little demand for the drink, named after the village’s oldest resident: the only foreigners on […]
- Press
VisitSierraLeone.org says “Blood Diamond” movie is bad news for Sierra Leone
The founding director of Visit Sierra Leone, Abimbola Carrol, said today that the upcoming “Blood Diamond” movie starring Leonardo di Caprio is bad news for Sierra Leone because it threatens to undo any positive steps the country has made in the past few years.
- Press
Eleven years of civil war between 1991 and 2002 has left Sierra Leone in ruins. According to the United Nations it’s the second poorest country in the world. Tens of thousands of people were killed and many more injured and displaced during the war. One of the largest UN peace-keeping forces helped to end the […]
- Press
Visit Sierra Leone helps kick start Sierra Leone’s Tourism Industry!
October 26, 2005 —For the past year and a half, VisitSierraLeone.org ( https://www.visitsierraleone.org ) has been showing off Sierra Leone’s tourism potential. Now in collaboration with TVE and Explore Worldwide this has been taken one step further following the filming of a documentary looking at Sierra Leone’s tourism Industry.