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IT is always painful to realise a loss, but most of the time it is wise to cut and run. London Mining looks like just such a situation after floods and production delays have hammered the shares of the Sierra Leone-based iron ore miner. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/markets/questor/10719883/Questor-share-tip-London-Mining-hit-by-flooding.html
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Rwanda Needs One Win to Qualify to Division 2
RWANDA must win one of their two matches scheduled for today in the ongoing ICC Africa Division 3 tournament in South Africa to qualify for Division 2. Coach Ed Pearson’s team, who lead the four-national tournament standings after three matches, takes on Sierra Leone in the morning and Swaziland later in the afternoon. https://allafrica.com/stories/201403250142.html
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There has been an outbreak of the deadly disease called Ebola in neighbouring Guinea-Conakry and experts say it’s likely to spread in Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia, Guinea Bissau and Mali, five countries that share borders with Guinea-Conkary. But of the five, Sierra Leone is more threatened because the outbreak occurred in South-Western Guinea which is […]
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UK – Our Supporter of the Month Learns to Keep Her Premature Baby Warm 20 MARCH 2014
Our Supporter of the Month for March is Ami-Mattu Amara. Her baby (Joshua) was born 10 weeks prematurely and needed specialist care. Although Ami-Mattu now lives in the UK, she was born in Sierra Leone, so she is aware of how lucky Joshua is to have had access to essential https://allafrica.com/stories/201403210040.html
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David Tennant: My Sport Relief Sierra Leone diary
Day One – Bomeh dump, Freetown I meet father-of-two Sheka, one of the 100 people living on the dump. Since the last time I came to Africa, with Comic Relief in 2011, I have become a father three times over, so meeting him was especially affecting. https://www.radiotimes.com/news/2014-03-21/david-tennant-my-sport-relief-sierra-leone-diary
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In a bid to ensuring that the National Anti-Corruption Strategy 2014-2018 reflects the views of the people of Sierra Leone, representatives from government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), Civil Society and the Media have on Monday 17th March 2014 ended a validation exercise at the Sierra Leone Teachers Union Hall in Makeni – See more […]
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Sierra Leone’s Ambassador Bockari Kortu Stevens accredited to the United States of America has showered praise on the late President Alhaji Dr. Ahmad Tejan Kabbah for his democratic credentials and said “President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah occupies a unique place in the history of Sierra Leone.” Ambassador Bockari Kortu Stevens signing the book of condolence at […]
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ERSG Bids Farewell to President Koroma
The Executive Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations to Sierra Leone, Jens Anders Toyberg-Frandzen had a farewell meeting this morning (Wednesday 19th March) with President Ernest Bai Koroma to mark the end of his nearly-2 year term of office in the country . President Koroma said that Sierra Leone’s story from war […]
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African trip for village church group
An eight-strong party from Inglewhite Church has returned from an eye-opening trip to Sierra Leone. The group, including Pastor John Irwin and the Foot family from Chipping, went to Africa to see the work of Preston-based International Aid Trust first hand. Pastor Irwin said: “The longer you are there the more overwhelming the needs become […]
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SMOGE-FBC Trains 100 Pupils On Leadership and Advocacy Skills
Student Movement for Girls Education, Fourah Bay College (SMOGE-FBC) last week held a two-day training for 100 pupils from 10 schools in the Western Area on leadership and advocacy skills. The workshop was supported by PLAN International-Sierra Leone. https://allafrica.com/stories/201403180891.html